You might have read the articles or watched videos on the real and fake people. Today, we will differentiate between real and fake.
The only reason I am getting more views from the united states is that of the mentality of people.
I am writing this article because something really went wrong after I started Itsfacile and Saral Investment.
Let’s start by discussing Fake people.
When I was in grade 12th, everyone was nice to me. I even had not heard the term “Fake Friends” in my life.
In the early days of college, I used to give more answers to the professors because I loved programming in those days. People had seen me as a super intelligent programmer. But, I was not. I knew only the basics. Besides, the knowledge of other students was really bad.
Because of the good knowledge in programming and other computer related things, I made so many friends. But, I didn’t realize who is fake and who is real. I used to treat them all in the same way.
After starting Itsfacile and Saral Investment, everything changed! Some of my friends told me that we don’t read your articles because it is written in the English language.
Many of them make fun of Saral Investment without knowing the importance of investment. They literally laughed when I talked about Itsfacile or Saral Investment.
There are also some friends who are nice to me at the time of our conversation but always talk bad things about me.
Even, my close friends also never supported me. They never read my articles and tell the good things about Itsfacile! Clearly, fake friends!
Of course, many friends are not interested in what I am doing. But, at least they should check what I have done.
The majority of people avoid reading my articles or watching videos because they think I will make money if they watch/read Anuj’s video/article. Such a poor mentality! Appreciation and Supporting level at 0.
For instance, I share my articles on the WhatsApp broadcast. Nearly, I have 110 contacts(including family members) and unfortunately, I receive a reply from only 1-2 friends.
Here, I am not complaining. My aim is not to make money but to share my knowledge and thoughts.
I realised why doing different and creative things in India is very hard. People start ignoring you.
They might have never read my articles, but they never speak bad things about me. Besides, they stop others if they are speaking bad about me.
There are so many unexpected friends who had given me a new idea for writing on a different and unique topic. That’s what I love the most.
Also read: Why I want Drop-out from College?
Also, few people asked me to explain all the things about Saral Investment and Itsfacile. One of my friends created a new logo for Itsfacile. He also created an intro for Itsfacile youtube Channel.
If there is anything wrong with my content or anything like that, such friends directly tell me that I should not do these stuff or do these stuff instead.
Real people want to see you successful.
So, that’s it.
I am not sharing negativity. I am just sharing what I thought to write on 27th September 2018.
Share your thoughts on the comment area.
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Keep it up u r doing best!!
I appreciate our friendship ..and we will always help in our good and bad days ..we are best friends every one knows , but our friend ship has changed into an every part of family , you are also trustworthy ,i always believe what you say ..i dont know how i thank to god ..but i am really glad that we met...
Dear Anuj,
You are quite ahead of current time...
At the college level particularly in small City like Bhavnagar Friends are fully concentrated on marks and ultimately...
Placement immidetely after completing your graduation...
Don't expect any support or appreciate as they don't know the importance of these Articles.on the other side investment strategy is required altogether different
Thinking process and this virtus are rare up to graduation level.
So keep it up as Both the function will give you a very big age in days to come...By now you have perfect knowledge that Investment is not Saral and you are investing Real Time in the same...your reading habit for Both will give you Big
Big success...All the Best for Accepting reality for Fake & Real person at this age.
Some believe it's destiny, but the happiness is something we create. Difficult road often leads to beautiful destination. And I m sure that you will get something great in your life. so just keep it up✌